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Analytics and data

Make better decisions with the right data

Your growth depends on the quality of your insights. Multiply provides you with most important metrics for continuous revenue optimization.

Get a birds-eye overview

Get a birds-eye overview

See the big picture a glance with our performance dashboard. Discover key metrics – including net revenues per product, universal profit margins, Buy Box win rates, and more.
See real-time results

See real-time results

Observe and react to price fluctuations as they occur with real-time reports. Break it down by channel or SKU and see KPIs like sales, profit margins, Buy Box placement, and competitor activity to continually drive your business’s growth.
Spy on your competitors

Spy on your competitors

You’ll have access to unique competitor insights. Get the full record of their price adjustments, Buy Box win rate, and rating changes on the relevant channels over time. Use this data to drive smarter strategic decisions.
Discover pricing trends

Discover pricing trends

A comprehensive price history shows the performance of your SKUs and channels – including sales, price, profit margins, and Buy Box win rate. Identify causal patterns between these KPIs and gain a deeper insight into your market, customers, and competition.

Discover Multiply’s Full Capabilities

Omnichannel Integrations

Beat your competitors across all your channels with omnichannel repricing.
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Algorithmic Repricing

Win the sale and the Buy Box with Multiply’s powerful repricing.
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Multi-Tier Support

Optimize your repricing strategy with hands-on support.
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Grow your sales with Multiply’s algorithmic repricer

Start your free trial today and start growing your sales and revenues.

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